APG Symposium on


24th - 27th Feb. 2021, New Delhi

3 - Advances in Dam Safety,Risk Assessment and Management

S.No Paper Title Author's View/Download
1. Risk Analysis In Dam Sa fety: The Past, The Present and The Future Dr. Przemyslaw
2. Case study of Alpaslan II Dam twodimensional dam break analysis E.USTA
3. The Challenges of the Brazilian Electric Energy Regulatory Agency on
Supervising Dam Safety
L.L Da Silva
4. Functional Modes and Failure Modes: Their identification and analysis of their effects DND Hartford
5. Dam break flood wave analysis from Ukai Dam in Lower Tapi River, India Shubham M. Jibhakate, P. V. Timbadiya and P. L. Patel
6. Experimental Breach and Overtopping Study in Earth Dams by Physical Mo dels F. Jafarzadeh and A. Raoufi
7. Emergency Warning System Jennifer Joseph
8. The Need for Dam Safety Management in Nepal M. Acharya PMP , P.En g. and C. Richard Donnelly P.En g.
9. Design of Management Information System for Dam Safety and Flood Control of CTG Yingchun You, Zhaohui Liu and Chunjiang Fu
10. Visual Inspection and Assessment of Operating Devices in Ir. H. Djuanda Dam -Indonesia Reni Mayasari and Budi Nugraha
11. Key and Difficult Problems and Countermeasures of Baihetan Hydropower Station Dam Operational Management DaWen Tan
12. Implementation of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Risk Informed Decision-Making Process
D.B. Durkee, M. Balven and M. Muto
13. Documentation, Records and Reporting: Smart Management of Dam
Safety documentation and records
Ó. Pérez, S. Hoppe and J. Fleitz
14. Studies on Mass Concrete Design Mix Towards Temperature Control in
Gravity Dam – A Case Study
S.J. Pillai, Rizwan Ali, R.Vigneswaran, Sarbjeet Singh and K.Balachandran
15. Deformation Monitoring of Dams using Laser Scanner & OPSIS Software P Mehrotra
16. A Review of Site Specific Estimation of Seismic Design Para meters Suman Sinha, S.Selvan, D.K.Awas thi, G. D. Naidu and Rizwan Ali
17. Behavior of a High Rockfill Dam with Clay Core During Nineteen Years of Observation. A. Nazari and A. Soroush
18. What India can do for the World on Dam Safety Risk Governance. I. Es cuder-Bueno and P. Narayan
19. Changes to expect in seismic safety assessment of large storage dams in future. M. Wieland
20. Safety Evaluation for Older Large Dams in Turkey. H. Tosun
21. Ensuring Safety of Hydraulic Structures Against Ground Vibrations Generated During Blasting Operations. Prakash K. Palei, N. B. Varshikar, V. K. Gh odake, S. Santhosh Kumar and Rizwan Ali
22. Dam Safety Technical Audit Based on Failure Mode Identification and Analysis. A. Morales-Torres , J. Castillo-Rodríguez and I. Es cuder-Bueno
23. Geodetic Structural Monitoring of Concrete Gravity Dam – A case study. K. Sudhakar, B.H.V. Sekar, R. Bhusan, P.D. Jennifer and S.R. Naik
24. Overall stability analysis of Jinping I arch dam in the initial water storage stage considering the left abutment slope deformation. Zhong Zhou, Jing Zhang, Dewen Cai, Zhongxu Liu and Lijun Xue
25. Stability Survey of Boostan Earth Dams Using Instrumentation Data S.M. S.Kolbadi, M. Mirtaheri, H. Mirzabozorg and M.A. H.Ardebili
26. Overview of dam safety activities in BBMB projects for sustainable water management Arvind Kumar Sharma and Hari Dutt Kapila
27. Seismic safety of dams in India B.K. Rastogi
28. Life loss Simulation Modelling :Lessons and application in dam safety emergency planning C. Kavanagh, C. McCutcheon, R. Mannix and F. Huang
29. Sonic Wave Velocity Measurement For Evaluation Of In-Situ Quality Of Dam Ghodake V. K., Varshikar N. B., Palei P. K. and Rizwan Ali
30. Risk Management for Dam Rehabilitation Projects Daniel Johnson, Dave Paul and Terry Arnold
31. Image Modeling and Visual Monitoring of The Slope Near he Dam of Baihetan Hydropower Station Jun zhou, Xiao-liang li, Guo-hui ma and Jun-jie li
32. Rehabilitation and strengthening of the damaged divide walls and downstream floor of Durgapur Barrage over River Damodar at Block & P.S. Barjor a, Dist.Bankura, West Bengal Rajesh D Pandey and Soumyadip Pramanik
33. Research on automatic operation of portal crane in hydropower station Shuqiang.Wang, Shuang.Zhao, Ronggang.Xiong, Liang.Yuan
34. Application of a GPS displacement measurement system for concrete gravity dams Y. Yamaguchi, T. Kobori, W. Sato and N. Shimizu and S. Nakashima
35. 3D Geological Models For Managing Geological Hazards for Dam Safety Assessments G. Jardine and S. Nelis
36. Establishment and implementation of the emergency action plan on the Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project in Laos T. Tabuchi, Y. Aosaka, I. Sakai, Y. Yamamoto and S. Tsutsui
37. Monitoring and Instrumentation Strategies for New and Existing Dams George Dounias
38. Second Generation Contingency Planning and 2D Simulations in Lule River in Sweden A. Söderström and R. Wolfsborg
39. EMBREA - Web : a tool for the simulation of breach through dams and embankments M.W. Morr is, M. Ha ssan and C. Goff
40. MOSUL DAM – DATA MANAGEMENT N. Malyala, J. Vargas, D. Sawitzki and Rich Winterfield
41. Lessons learned in clarifying anomalies in the dam safety assessment in Slovakia E. Bednarova, M. Minarik and M. Micik
42. Implementation of Tablets for Periodical Calibration of Monitoring Sensors and Data Reading S. Hoppe, R. Calleja de las Heras
43. A Practical Risk Management Approach for Impounding Karun 3 Dam Reservoir :
A Real-Life Case Study in Iran
Saied Yousefi
44. Experience Using Risk-Informed Design Standards N.J. Snorteland, N.D. Vroman and B.J. Arcement
45. Research on Rock Mass Classification for Long TBM Hydraulic Tunnel at Deep Level SI Fu’an, LI Xianshe, DUAN Shiwei and LI Kun
46. Calculation Of Management Criteria Values for Leakage Quantity in Concrete Dam KYUNG HWAN CHOI , JUNG JU BEA and JUNG CHAN P|ARK
47. Landslide investigation near Bhakradam : An integrated approach of remote Sensing and GIS A.Pankaj, Pankaj Kumar, Bhrigu Shankar, Vinod Kumar, Venu Gopal, S. K. Bedi, Rajesh Vashisht and Ashish Kumar Sharma
48. Dam Breach Analysis: Case Study of Phukot Karnali (480 MW) Hydroelectric Project in Nepal A.K.C, M.P. Acharya, D. Acharya and K.R. Regmi
49. Enhancement of Russian standards and building codes in the sphere of the safety of hydraulic structures E. Be llendir, E. Fillipova and O. Buriakov
50. Kerala Floods – Risk Assessment in Kuttanad Region and Need for Flood Control Dams- A Perspective D. Biju
51. Tolerability of Risk and ALAR P: Origins, Intent and Implications for Dam Safety
D.N.D. Hartford
52. Stability Survey of Boostan Earth Dams Using Instrumentation Data S.M. S.Kolbadi, M. Mirtaheri and H. Mirzabozorg
53. Validation of Willowstick Survey to Map Leakage Paths of Dam Foundation D.S. Park
54. Analysis on the controllingsedimentation capacity of core reservoirs in the main channel of  Yellow River, China Yuanjian Wa ng, Enhui Jiang, Ting Wa ng, Xin  Wang and Ling Zhang
55. Development and implementation of Emergency Action Plan (EAP ) for Konar Dam - A Case Study Abhishek Shukla and Satyabrata Banerjee
56. Breach Analysis of Embankment Dams Using Soft Computing Techniques. Deepak Kr. Verma, Baldev Setia and V.K. Arora
57. Sonic Wave Velocity Measurement For Evaluation of In-Situ Quality Of Dam. Ghodake V. K., Varshikar N. B., Palei P. K. and Rizwan Ali
58. Whaley Bridge – The Dam Failure At Whaley Bridge On 1st August 2019 And An
Overview Of Dam Safety In The United Kingdom.
59. Guideline for Dam Safety Monitoring System Appraisal. S.J. Wang, Y.C. Gu and C.B. Ge
60. Drawdown Capacity For Reservoir Safety And Emergency Planning – Uk Guidance. A.P. Courtnadge and A.J. Brown
61. Current Dam Safety Situation in Finland. E. Is omäki
62. Seismic Hazard Assessment of Palghar District -A Structural Perspective G.Dh anunjaya Naidu, S. Selvan, Suman Sinha, Rizwan Ali
63. An optimized Design Method of GNSS External Deformation Monitoring Scheme for Dam Project in Alpine Canyon Area Li Zufeng, Zhou Heng, Zhao Qingzhi and Zhao Yanhua
64. Research on Flood Discharge Operation And Regulation Technology of Large Hydraulic Project Based on Intake Vortex of Overf low Surf ace Orifice Guobing Huang, Jibin Han, Dongmei Hou and Caihuan Wang
65. Optimization in Design of Energy Dissipation Arrangement for Overflow, Orifice and Tunnel
Spillway Using Hydraulic Modelling
Prajakta P. Gadge, M. R. Bhajantri and V. V. Bho sekar
66. Safety aspects of Rockfill Dam in Narrow Valley with Seismic Faults in The Foundation M. Wieland and H. Roshanomid
67. Asset Management and Dam Safety :Twins Raised Apart? Bob leitch
68. Formulation of an Emergency Action Plan for a Dam break Scenario N. Mohammed Junaid, R. Balamurugan and B.V. Mudgal
69. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Dam App urtenant Facilities Guk Hui, Yoon, Sun Uk, Kim and Young Mok, Lee
70. Indicator Scaling for Dam Safety using Risk Assessment through Fuzzy Logic Approach Subash Prasad Rai and Harinarayan Tiwari

Advances in dam safety, risk assessment and management for the seismic hazard

M. Wieland
72. On earth dam leak detection based on using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensor (Case study: canal embankment on the Rhône river, France) P. Abbasimaedeh* , M. Tatin, V. Lamour, S. Bonelli and A. Garandet
73. Are higher seismic safety standards required for dams forming dam cascades along rivers? M. Wieland
Davide Michelis