Technical Session: III - Sustainable Dam and Reservoir Management

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1.  Analysis of Deviations observed in Design Flood of existing River Valley Projects in India and the Causative Factors – N. N. Rai, Goverdhan Prasad, Akshat Jain and Payal Goyal
2. Potential Flood Zone Mapping for Risk Mitigation of Rakasakoppa Dam, Belagavi, India – B. Venkatesh, R. Abhilash, T. Thomas and P.C. Nayak 
3. Reservoir Inflow Modelling by Neuro Fuzzy and ANN Models – A.K. Lohani, S.K. Jain and R.K. Jaiswal
4. Optimization Model for Integrated Operation of Multipurpose Reservoir in Narmada Basin – Tejram Nayak, Namrata Patel, Aditya Sharma, Nikhilesh Kumar and Sreekarthikeya  Reddy 
5. Unsteady Flood Modelling for Pulichintala and Kandaleru Dam using HEC-RAS – P C Nayak, Meenakshi Ramola, B Venkatesh, T Thomas and A K Lohani 
6. Assessment and Management of Sedimentation in Kundah Reservoir – A Case study – V.Veeralakshmi, E. Abinaya and B. Sanjay 
7. An Overview of Current State and Policies Governing Sustainable Tourism around Dams in India – Saurabh Kumar Sahu
8. Sediment Management in Run-of the River Hydropower Plants in Himalayan Region - Vishal Kumar Saini, Manjusha
Mishra & S D Shukla
Vishal Kumar Saini, Manjusha
Mishra & S D Shukla