APG Symposium on


24th - 27th Feb. 2021, New Delhi

THEME: 7 - Impacts of Climate Change - Sustainable Dams and Hydropower Development including Pumped Storage

S.No Paper Title Author's View/Download
1. An Overview and Outlook of Hydropower bases development in China Zhou Jianping, Qian Gangliang and Zheng Chunzhou
2. Hydropower Engineering Technical Standards in China Li Sheng, Peng Shuojun and Wang Fuqiang
3. POWERCHINA’s Practices for Hydropower in Africa Xinhu ai Wang, Erik Hansen and Xin gyao Zhang
4. Impact of Climate Change on Three Large Reservoirs Operation In Citarum River – Indonesia Reni Mayasari, Haris Zulkarnain and Budi Nugraha
5. A Study on the Communication History of the Three Gorges Project Yang Jun and Yan Yi
6. Emerging Challenge on Sustainable Water Management in India Biswajit Das
7. Climate Change Impact on Jatigede Reservoir Operation Waluyo Hatmoko, Radhika, Brigita Diaz Primadita, Harimukti Rosita and Harya Muldianto
8. Sustainability of Thalpitigala Dam in View of Climate Change Induced Sedimentation D. M. T. S. Dissanayake
9. Public Awareness of Reservoirs and Dams in the Social Media Era: A Case Study on the Dissemination of the ‘Three Gorges Dam Deformation’ Rumor Abstract
10. New Engineering Challenges Caused by European Environmental Jurisdiction on The Example of A Flood Protection Basin in Germany D. Kerres, R. Haselsteiner, C. Gaebler and A. Rudolf
11. Role of Flood Control Dams in Managing Extreme Climatic Events : A Case Study of Kerala’s Periyar Basin K.A. Joshy, Soumya R Chandran and Sudheer Padikk al
12. Challenges Posed by Climate Change and Sedimentation of Reservoirs for Flood Mitigation and Sustained Water Supply
Devendra Kumar Sharma, Anil Vyas, Tarun Agarwal and Sukhdeep Singh
13. Adaptions to Climate Change Induced Uncertainties for Sa feguarding
Existing Da ms – Case Study of Banas Basin, Gujarat, India
Vivek P. Ka padia
14. Hydropower Development on Glacial Lakes C. R. Donnelly, J. M. Reynolds, S. Bohrn,  G. Schellenberg, B. Shah, Pravin Karkhi
15. Releasing Sturgeon at Three Gorges Project: The Importance of Communications and Raising
Public Awareness of Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering
We Shang
16. Climate Change Adaptation : A Golden Opportunity for Defining New Vision and Missions for Dam and Hydropower Development in Iran Saied Yousefi, Behrouz Moradi and Mohamad Rahbari